10 Locations Where You Can Find Freezer Table Top

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Table Top Freezer Black

This 31 litre tabletop refrigerator black model was created with you in mind. It is easily installed on any kitchen counter or worktop. It comes with an adjustable shelf made of wire. It has a F energy rating, which is in accordance with the latest regulations. It also has low frost cooling. It is ideal for students, the office or anyone that needs a little extra freezer space.


The TT02BL from our in-house brand SIA is an excellent small black freezer that can fit under the counter and look elegant and minimalist. The 31-litre capacity is sufficient for most households, and the F energy rating lets you to save money. The TT02BL has a wire shelf to help ensure that food is stored evenly and adjustable feet that provide stability on uneven surfaces.

The Montpellier MTTF32BK mini tabletop freezer is a stylish and affordable option for caravan owners, students or anyone else with little space in their home. With a 31 litre capacity and a clean and tidy black finish, it's the ideal accessory to any living space or utility room. The MTTF32BK also features a low-fost refrigeration system that will help reduce the build-up of frost and reduce defrosting time. Its F energy rating helps keep the running expenses low, and the doors that can be reversible make it easy to access the freezer any time you're required to.


This Montpellier tabletop freezer in classic black will look fantastic in your kitchen, office or student bedroom. It's also a great addition for an outdoor man's space or a shed. It's small enough to be placed on a countertop and easy to clean. It has a 4-star freezer rating with a single wire shelf to keep your frozen food items in an even manner. The Montpellier tabletop freezer comes with a low-frost refrigeration system which reduces the accumulation of frost in the freezer, which means that you'll have to defrost it less frequently. This appliance is equipped with an energy rating of F which can help reduce your carbon footprint and expenses. x

Parts & Labour Warranty of 2 years.


If you're in search of more freezer space this black table top freezer from Russell Hobbs can provide you with a fantastic solution. With a capacity of 31 litres and compact design it's easy to use and won't get in the way of cooking. It also includes an adjustable thermostat and a door that can be reversible to provide additional flexibility. Even though it's not the cheap table top freezer freezer on this list, its energy efficiency and affordability are a great value for your money.

The users have reported that the RHTTFZ1B freezer is a good one that can keep food frozen and offers enough space to meet their needs. They have also been awed by its quiet operation as well as efficient storage. They have also emphasized some disadvantages that aren't so great, like the difficulty of reverse and the overly bulky packaging.

Another option that is worth considering is the Subcold Eco35F mini-freezer. While it is smaller in capacity than the RHTTFZ1B, it has an F freezer rating and can keep foods for longer durations at -18 degrees Celsius. It features a defrost function and is quiet, which makes it perfect for bedrooms and shared areas. It is important to consider your priorities before deciding which model is right for you.