How To Create An Awesome Instagram Video About Built In Fridge And Freezer

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Fridge Freezer Built In

Fridge freezer built in models are designed to fit seamlessly into your kitchen cabinetry. They typically measure 178cm in height and are standard in height.

If the appearance of your fridge is not your primary concern, you should consider features such as WiFi capabilities that let you examine your fridge on your phone and modify settings.


The size of the fridge freezer you choose will depend on the number of storage spaces you need. You must always take into consideration that the amount of space available when you change from one size to another can vary quite an amount.

When you are looking at integrated fridge freezers, make sure that the model you pick fits in the cabinet where your existing appliance is located. Be aware of the type of installation - sliding or fixed hinges, as well as whether the doors of your cabinet are attached directly to the fridge cabinet.

A freestanding fridge freezer doesn't require any cabinet doors to be fitted and can be put in any place in your kitchen as long as it fits. They are more expensive than integrated models, however they provide more flexibility in terms of design.

Fridge Freezers are available in a variety of sizes, from 130cm models to 178cm taller models. You can also pick between 50:50 splits, 60:40 splits and 70:30 splits in order to maximize your fridge or freezer space. Some models feature an open drawer that makes it easier to access frozen food.


Integrated fridge-freezers can be flush mounted in your kitchen cabinets to create an individual appearance. These appliances are available in a range of widths and heights to fit all kitchen designs. There are models that are 130cm tall and the low midi option. You can also find models that measure 178cm tall. The split of the door differs. Some options offer a 50:50 split, while others offer a more favorable split towards freezers or fridges.

They're a popular option for modern kitchens. They come with a range of features that improve food preservation. These include superCooling, which cools newly purchased food items quickly so they don't get spoiled while you're at the supermarket. They also come with touchpad computer systems that monitor usage and expiration date.

If you opt for a model that is recessed you can get the same appearance with a freestanding refrigerator freezer. This requires you to build an alcove inside the cabinetry or wall, where you can fit the fridge freezer in a shallow space that is completely flush with the cabinetry of your appliance. This looks great but can cost more than a built-in model as you'll need to build the alcove.

Column fridge freezers offer the greatest flexibility since they can be combined with a full fridge with a freezer that is full size or a column wine fridge, or an amalgamation of both. These are a popular option for modern kitchens. They can be combined for an elegant look or split into two separate units.


If you are looking for a sleek appliance with integrated lines, a refrigerator with a built-in freezer is the best option. These appliances are concealed behind the doors of kitchen cabinets and appear to be part of the wall for an elegant look that blends perfectly with any style. These models are perfect for those who love to keep their kitchens tidy and clutter-free.

These refrigerators come in a variety heights to ensure you find one that is suitable for your family's needs. There are lower'midi'-height models that sit at around 130cm tall, as well as extra-tall versions that stand at around 170-180cm tall. The split of the freezer and fridge is an additional factor to be considered Choose between 50:50, 60:40 or 70:30 splits to meet your storage needs for food.

Several brands have developed innovative techniques to help your fridge freezers built in last longer and keep it in top shape. For example, Siemens' hyperFresh technology keeps your vegetables and fruits fresher for up to two times longer, by mimicking the sun's natural 24-hour cycle of light. Blomberg's VitaminCare+ helps preserve the nutrients contained in fruits and veggies by reducing spoilage. This ensures that your food stays fresh.

Some integrated fridge freezers have smart sensors that monitor the temperature, humidity levels and even the openings of your doors to reduce energy use. Siemens noFrost freezers, for instance, control the defrosting process to prevent the accumulation of frost and keep your appliance operating efficiently.

Energy efficiency

Freezers that run continuously consume plenty of energy. Select one with a high energy rating to cut down on your electric bills and carbon emissions.

Look for refrigerators with ratings A to G in the new energy label. The new energy label gives you more information than just the consumption of power. It provides you with the appliance's annual energy consumption (kWh) and its insulation, whether it's installed in cabinets and the level of its loudness.

Certain models come with extra features that cut down on power consumption, like GE's Smart Food Storage which adjusts the temperature based upon how often you open the door and the location of the fridge. GE fridges are also Wi-Fi connected that means you can easily control and access them through your smartphone's app.

A fridge freezer that is integrated is designed to fit to kitchen cabinets and lies behind the cabinet doors so it appears like it's built-in. They can be fitted with fixed or sliding hinges, and are popular with those who want a sleek, seamless look in their kitchen. They are available in a variety of styles and finishes, including matt, gloss or wood effect. They are made of low-carbon materials like reclaimed wood and recycled steel to lessen their impact on the earth.