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Indesit Built In Fridge Freezer

The Indesit beko built in fridge freezer-in bosch fridge freezer built in (check) freezer is a space-saving solution that will satisfy all your freezing and refrigeration requirements in one place. Enjoy 154L of cooling space across three shelves of glass, making it easy to store and organise. A dedicated Crisper drawer is also available to store delicate salads and fruits.

Optimal Humidity

This Indesit built-in fridge freezer comes with space for 154L of refrigerator and 110L freezer space, so you can store all your food items and more. Salad Crisper is dedicated to delicate vegetables, and it has plenty of storage space for the most loved frozen treats for the family. Hygiene Protection reduces the growth of bacteria and odours, so your food will be fresher for longer. the Optimal Humidity constantly monitors and tweaks humidity levels to create the ideal environment for your food and protect it from damage.

Low Frost technology decreases the amount of ice which accumulates on the walls of your fridge or freezer making defrosting a lot easier. This keeps energy efficiency at a high level and you'll have to defrost your fridge and freezer less often.

Easy to clean The Indesit fridge freezer features an antibacterial lining that will keep your food extra fresh and bacteria free, while the door seals are also antibacterial, to give a clean and fresh finish. A white colourway adds a classic look to your kitchen. a convenient bottle balcony lets you store drinks conveniently. This Indesit integrated refrigerator freezer can be used in a variety of ways because the door can be reversed to open on either side. This Indesit refrigerator freezer comes with a 10-year parts and labor warranty. You can be confident that this appliance will last for a long time.

Absolutely No Frost

With an Indesit fridge freezer that is integrated, you'll get the latest technology that helps you keep your food fresher longer. Total No Frost is a key feature that actively circulates dry, cold air inside the freezer compartment. This prevents the formation of ice and also reduces the frequency of defrosting.

To make life easier the model comes with an extra Crisper drawer that can be used for delicate salads and fruit to ensure they are as fresh as possible and an attractive bottle balcony, so you can store your favourite drinks. With 154L in the refrigerator and 110L of room in the freezer, there's plenty of room for your weekly shopping.

The model is also equipped with Pure Wind technology. A fan constantly blows cool air around the appliance, which improves ventilation. This helps keep your food fresher longer and also helps save you money by less food waste.

The sleek and stylish design looks great in any kitchen. It also comes with an energy rating of A+, so you can be confident that you're making an investment that will benefit your family. There's even a 1-year warranty so that you'll be confident that your Indesit built-in fridge freezer will be covered in the event of anything to occur. This is a great addition for any modern kitchen.


We understand how hectic life can be, which is why we offer appliances that are designed to reduce time and effort. Our refrigerator freezers aren't an exception, with a handy Push&Go function that can help cool your groceries more quickly. This feature triggers extra cold to lower the temperature of the appliance's cavity and restore them up to 40 percent faster.

To help you make the most of those weekly shop loads, the INC18 T311 UK built-in fridge freezer boasts the brand's Push&Go advantage as well as Total No Frost technology. This 70/30 split refrigerator-freezer features 250 litres of storage and glass shelves. It's large enough to hold your entire weekly grocery list. With an impressive 154 litres of fridge space and an extra Crisper drawer for delicate salads and fresh fruits You'll be able to find the perfect place for your grocery purchases.

Pure Wind and Low Frost technology can also be used to keep your food fresher longer. Protecting your foods by lowering humidity levels, Pure Wind is ideal for products that are acidic or sensitive while Low Frost minimises the accumulation of ice, meaning you'll need to defrost your food less often. This means that you'll have more time enjoying your food.

Reversible Door

This Indesit fridge-freezer is designed to make life easier for families with hectic schedules. It's an efficient solution for space that can handle all your frozen and fresh food needs. The Optimal Humidity technology constantly monitors and adjusts humidity levels of the fridge to prevent your food from drying. This model also includes Push&Go and Total No Frost to reduce the process of defrosting.

This freestanding Indesit Fridge Freezer comes in an attractive white colour and comes with a sleek, tall design to fit neatly into smaller kitchens. The fridge is able to hold a net capacity of 154L and plenty of storage solutions including three safety glass fridge shelves and a handy full width bottle shelf at the door. There's even a designated Crisper drawer to safeguard delicate salad leaves and fruits. The freezer cabinet has a net volume of 110L, thanks to the generous combination of three deep drawers with clear fronts.

This Indesit Integrated Fridge Freezer is easy to clean, since all the drawers and shelves are easy to clean. It is energy-efficient with an A+ rating, and it is also very quiet with only 38dB. The fridge can be easily controlled via an adjustable thermostat and fitted with a reversible door to fit your kitchen layout This is the ideal fridge freezer for small apartments and homes.